What is the California Dream Act?
The California Dream Act of 2011 is the result of two assembly bills, AB 130 and AB 131. Together, these bills allow undocumented and documented students who meet certain provisions of AB 540 law (see below) to apply for and receive state-administered financial aid and community college fee waivers.
What are the criteria for AB540?
- You must have attended a CA high school for at least 3 years.
- You must have graduated or attained the equivalent (usually passing the GED or CA HS Proficiency exam).
- If you are considered an undocumented resident, you must have filed for legal immigration status or will file as soon as possible. It is a legal requirement that you file an affidavit with the Admissions and Records Office.
Are all AB540 students undocumented immigrants?
No. Citizens and permanent residents who would otherwise be classified as residents of other states who meet AB540 criteria can qualify as California residents for tuition purposes and any financial aid benefits.
I am considered undocumented and meet the AB540 criteria under the California Dream Act. What financial aid programs can I apply for?
You can qualify for a Fee Waiver (California College Promise Grant or CCPG) that will pay for your enrollment fees. There are two ways to apply:
- Complete the California Dream Act Application which is available now online at the CA Dream Act website.
- Complete the CCPG Fee Waiver Application and submit it to the Financial Aid office.
- If you are considered an undocumented resident, you must have filed for legal immigration status or will file as soon as possible. It is a legal requirement that you file an affidavit with the Administration and Records Office.
You may also qualify for a Cal Grant. Click here to complete the California Dream Act Application.
If you are undocumented, at this time you are not eligible for any federal financial aid.
I am a US Citizen or permanent resident and meet the AB 540 criteria. What types of aid can I apply for:
AB540 students who have a Social Security Number and meet the US citizenship requirements can submit a FAFSA and a Fee Waiver Application. You must be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident. By completing the FAFSA you will be considered for more financial aid programs.
- Admissions and Records Home Page
- Student Finance Home Page
- Financial Aid Home Page
- How to Apply for Financial Aid
- How to Request IRS Verification of Non-filing Letter
- Cal Grant Programs
- California Dream Act
- California Promise Grant
- Student Loans
- Private Educational Loan Disclosures
- Financial Aid FAQs
- Financial Aid Forms
- Financial Aid Disbursement Dates and FAQ
- Eligible Majors for Financial Aid
- Consumer Information
- Scholarships
- Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Ability to Benefit