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Compliance Requirements

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District Requirement 1 (DR1)

R1.01 BCC_SpecialRep12_20
R1.01 COA_SpecialRep12_20
R1.01 Lan_SpecialRep12_20
R1.01 Mer_SpecialRep12_20
R1.03 PCCD FunctMap11_9_21
R1.04 CBT Phase1
R1.05 Data Integrity_ 9_21
R1.06 PCCD_realign6_27_22
R1.07 Recruit_UpdateJan_Aug2021
R1.08a Recruitment_8_21-7_22
R1.08b BOT agenda hired_3_8_22
R1.09 PCCD Fin&Admin_Prog_ Rev
R1.10 CWP ICC update_5_10_22
R1.11 BOT DataInteg_4_13_21
R1.12 CWP ICC_Data Integ9_24_21
R1.13 BOTDataInteg 9_28_21
R1.14 DataIntegrityCmte
R1.15a Huron MARC_2_22
R1.15b Huron ICC_3_18_22
R1.16 HuronSOW _4_22
R1.17 Huron ICC_4_ 26_22
R1.18 PS_HuronEval_3_8_22
R1.19a PS PhaseII Assmt_9_29_21
R1.19b PS PhaseII BOT_11_09_21
R1.20 PS PhaseII_BOT 2_8_22
R1.21 PS Phase II BOT 3_8_22
R1.22a PS Training CEO email_5_2_22
R1.22b PS Training_no Paper _6_30_22
R1.22c PS Training Schedule_Links
R1.22d PS Train Attendees
R1.22e PS Upgrade Training Canvas
R1.23 PS Contract app_3_8_22
R1.24 PS Contract app_6_26_22
R1.25 Edgerock ICC_BOT 6_28_22
R1.26 2022 BOT Meeting Schedule
R1.27 BOT Goals 21- 22 progress
R1.28 BOT mid-year Goal eval
R1.29 BOT 2022-23 Goals
R1.30 BOT 22-23 Goals adopt_6_27_22
R1.31 FCMAT_ CCC BOG 12_22_21
R1.32 Summary Aug 2022 FCMAT response
R1.32a PCCD FCMAT composite update
R1.34 PCCD Audit 2021
R1.35 2021 Audit Presentation_CLA
R1.36 CLA Audit rpt to BOT_3_22_22
R1.37 BOT Audit Video_3_22_22
R1.38 Budget Alloc Model_3_21
R1.39 BOT RAM Presentation _4_12_22
R1.40 BOT RAM agenda_4_12_22
R1.41 BOT EnrollmentAcad_4_21_22
R1.42 BOT Enrollacad_agenda_4_21_22
R1.43 BOT Enrollrpt_2_22_22
R1.44 PBC-Min_4_22_22
R1.45 DAS minutes 5_16_22
R1.46 PCCD Budget Townhall_9_1_22
R1.46a Budget_Townhall_invite
R1.47 2022-23 Draft Adopted Budget
R1.47a FY 2023 AdoptBud BOT_9_13_22
R1.48 SCFF Changes Fiscal Model 2.0
R1.49 FiscalAlignStrategiesTool

Fiscal Issues

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Updated Evidence