The Peralta Student Medical Clinic at Laney will reopen under new management in Fall 2024. Stay tuned for details!


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College Health Services Offered
  • Nurse Practitioner Services
  • Medical Supplies
    Motrin, aspirin, extra-strength Tylenol, antacids, condoms, feminine products, Band-Aids, face masks, cough drops, general first aid tools for burns, cuts, abrasions, falls
  • HIV Testing
  • TB Testing
  • Pap Smears
  • Flu Shots (Seasonal)
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Counseling: One-on-One
  • Optometry Services
  • Family Planning
  • Pregnancy Testing, Birth Control
  • Health Education, Insurance Eligibility Screening
  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Resource and Referral Services
  • Immunizations are NOT covered, except for Flu shot when available.

Labs Covered: STI testing, HIV testing, TB tests; Other lab tests are not covered. Students are responsible for paying lab tests or other diagnostic testing which may be ordered (i.e. X-Rays) and performed by an outside agency. These tests and procedures are not covered by your health fee but may or may not be covered by your own personal health insurance or you may be required to pay out of pocket.

Health Services FAQ

1. Why is there a health fee?

Peralta Colleges Student Health Services is dedicated to assisting students to achieve and maintain optimum physical, mental, and emotional health. We are committed to providing quality health care at a reasonable cost.

2. Who is eligible for health services?

All students who pay the health fee will have access to health services at any campus. Students must present their student ID with the current semester sticker.

3. What is the cost of these services?

$ 18 per semester

4. What does my $18 per semester pay for?

  • Access to Health Services is supported by the $18.00 health fee paid at time of registration for fall and spring semesters. Additional fees may apply for certain services (lab tests, x-rays, etc.). If you are eligible for public coverage programs (i.e. MediCal, Family PACT, Healthy Families) your services may be billed.
  • All Medical and Counseling services provided by any of the four college student health centers and/or services by Peralta.
  • College Health Center and Peralta Wellness Center currently do not accept any direct payments.

5. Are my records confidential?

Your medical records and all discussions with the Student Health Services Staff are completely confidential in accordance with federal HIPAA regulations. Records are only released with written consent of the student, unless required by law.

6. Who will have access to my medical records?

Nurse Practitioners and/or Doctors and counselors who are directly involved with your care will have access to your medical records. You may request a copy of your records to provide to your medical provider.

7. I already have health insurance; do I still have to pay?

Yes, you are still required to pay if you have health insurance. Campus health services are intended to supplement your present health insurance, and do not cover major medical care such as hospitalization or emergency room fees.

8. I am an international student and I am required to have health insurance to be in this country, do I still have to pay for the Health Fee?

Yes, all students are required to pay the health fee. Paying the health fee will not meet your requirement of having insurance in the United States.

9. I am a part-time student; do I still have to pay the Health Fee?

Yes, all Peralta students are required to pay the health fee.

10. Who is exempt from the Health Fee?

Students may be exempt from the health fee if: The student is dependent exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings for a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization. The student is attending a community college under an approved apprenticeship training program. Please contact the Office of Student Services at your campus to receive a waiver petition.

11. If I take courses at multiple Peralta campuses, do I have to pay at each campus?

No, you will only be required to pay the health fee once per semester or summer session. 12. Can I access services when the campus is closed (winter break, for example)? No. Services are provided only when the campuses are open.

12. What is Title IX?

Title IX is a federal civil rights law in the United States of America that was passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. It prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or other education program that receives federal money. For more information, see HERE

Mental Health Services

Mental Health services are available to all students at all campuses. All students can access services at any site. You can meet with a therapist to discuss issues including, but not limited to:

  • Difficult feelings (sadness, stress, anger, depression)
  • Grief and loss
  • Post-crisis follow-up/crisis consultation
  • Worrying or feeling anxious constantly
  • Frequent loss of temper
  • Relationship issues
  • Trouble eating, sleeping, or concentrating
  • Dealing with unpleasant memories
  • Worries about drug/alcohol use