Mission and Goals

In the Peralta District shared governance structure, the District-Wide CTE Subcommittee – an advisory committee – is a sub-committee of the District-Wide Education Committee (DEC). The District-Wide CTE Subcommittee represents CTE instructors, administrators, and students throughout the Peralta District.

The mission of the District-Wide CTE Subcommittee is to assist the DEC to enrich the community by providing well-trained, self-directed workers with rewarding careers and developing well-educated lifelong learners with fulfilled educational goals.

The District-Wide CTE Subcommittee's role includes but is not limited to advising the Peralta District community analyzing community workforce needs, providing leadership in developing institutional systems and programs to meet those needs, and promoting quality CTE Program practices.

The District-Wide CTE Subcommittee analyzes and recommends improvements to general population and student services pertaining to CTE students, CTE Student Success policies, procedures, and systems, also assures quality recruitment, enrollment, assessment, retention, persistence, placement, and safe educational practices and promotes innovative and up-to-date program development.

The District-Wide CTE Subcommittee advises the Peralta District Shared Governance Committees on CTE budget needs, technology needs, laboratory and classroom furniture, facilities, equipment, and maintenance needs.

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Members of the CTE Subcommittee will be appointed as follows:

CTE Subcommittee Members Appointing Authority
A representative of the Office of International Educational Services Vice Chancellor of Educational Services
A college President or their designee Chancellor
College Vice Presidents of Instruction, CTE Deans, or designee(s) – One per College (4 total) College Presidents
College Faculty Representatives – Two per college (8 total) College Faculty Senate Presidents (candidate nomination process for appointment to be determined by each college's CTE faculty)
A faculty representative from Student Services (1) Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Services
Student representatives (4) – One per College, CTE students preferably Peralta Student Body President from each campus


The District-Wide CTE Subcommittee adopts Peralta's Planning and Budgeting Integration Model (PBIM) "Implementation Roles" with the following exceptions – (see the Planning and Budgeting Integration Model Handbook, Section 1 Overview, 2013-2024):

Implementation Roles
  • The District-Wide CTE Subcommittee will be led by the Co-Chairs and supported by a facilitator. The Co-chairs and Facilitator are intended to work collaboratively.
  • The Co-Chairs will share the duties of the Chair and Co-Chairs as described in the PBIM.
    • The administrative Co-Chair will "Provide status reports to the Strategic Management Team (aka, Chancellor's Cabinet)."
    • The Co-Chairs shall, at the end of each academic year, prepare and submit an annual report to DEC Co-Chairs on the committee's activities, progress, and accomplishments. Said report will be forwarded to the DEC membership for review and integration into DEC's annual report to the Planning and Budget Council.
College Presidents
One College President or College President's designee will serve on the District-Wide CTE Subcommittee
  • The facilitator works with the Co-Chairs to design meeting agendas and discussion/decision tools to develop the committee's recommendations. The facilitator's specific role includes:
    • Work with the Co-Chairs on a timeline of meetings and activities to deliver recommendations

The responsibilities of the CTE Subcommittee members include the following:

  1. Advise the District-Wide CTE Subcommittee of the needs and concerns of CTE programs at their college.
  2. Represent and support the decisions of the District-Wide CTE Subcommittee throughout the Planning and Budget Integration Model process, especially to the District Education Committee.
  3. Inform the administration and faculty of the colleges which they represent about the proceedings of the District-Wide CTE Subcommittee.
  4. When necessary, represent and support the decisions and actions of the District-Wide CTE Subcommittee at district, college, and community meetings.
  5. Promote, cultivate, and sustain a regionally-recognized and student-friendly environment for CTE.

The responsibility of the CTE Subcommittee is to advise the District Education Committee of the needs and concerns of CTE Programs and services, which include but are not limited to the following:

  • Aligning District Policies and procedures to meet the needs of CTE programs and services, including but not limited to those that involve:
    • Procurement
    • Human Resources and personnel recruitment and management
    • Budgeting
    • Facilities
    • Grant applications, monitoring, and compliance reporting
    • Data
    • Information Technology systems and support
    • Student support
  • Planning and implementing short-term and long-range goals for District-wide CTE
  • Assuring that quality marketing of CTE programs is resourced and executed in a timely manner, which includes but is not limited to the following
    • Development and maintenance of a dedicated, District-wide CTE website, including up-to-date information on articulation agreements
    • Design and production of dedicated CTE print materials
    • Community outreach to attract CTE students
    • Coordination with and leverage of other CTE marketing initiatives such as those pursued by the Deputy Sector Navigators and the Bay Area Community College Consortium (BACCC)
  • Making recommendations for improving the quality of CTE programs District-wide, which includes but is not limited to the following:
    • Input on program review and annual program update process
    • Advocacy and support for state-of-the-art CTE curriculum, pedagogy, professional development, and facilities
    • Advocacy and support for a full range of CTE programs
    • Advocacy and support for effective approval processes for new CTE programs and curriculum through curriculum committees and Planning, Budgeting, and Integration, including adequate consultation between colleges
    • Develop, monitor, and maintain quality articulation agreements between the Colleges and K-12 and 4-year partners
  • Ensuring that CTE students receive the same student support services as general population students, as well as that CTE students get additional student services unique to CTE programs such as career counseling, job placement services, placement tracking and monitoring, and other services.

For more information about this Subcommittee, contact Tina Vasconcellos, Director of Academic Affairs, at tvasconcellos@peralta.edu.